A ‘dark phase’ can take many forms, whether a seemingly never-ending dark night of the soul where we we’re in the void and can’t see how it’s all going to look once we come through to the other side or perhaps it’s honouring a season of illness, however long or short. Perhaps it’s the monthly dark moon phase or when our body mirrors this, when it is menstruating, whether in rhythm with the lunar cycle or not, in order to shed the old blood that has served its purpose, ready to start afresh for whatever unknown possibilities are to come.

And although we may rationally understand the need for these endings, it may not always feel like an enjoyable experience. So here is some guidance to help navigate through whatever dark phase you may be experiencing right now.


If there’s anything that the last years of Covid has taught us, it’s what a collective dark phase feels like and seeing how much light has been shone on the less desirable and darker sides of humanity. Besides the propaganda and fear that has often brought out the worst in humanity, there has also been so much ‘enlightenment’ about the shadow workings of the world that has been gut-wrenching for so many of us to digest and face the undeniable truth of. I choose to believe that as more light enters than ever before, it’s simply showing us the darkness that was always there, and as we become more aware of it, we are given the opportunity to work with it consciously for our souls’ transformation and the highest good of all.

At the time of writing and up until mid 2023, our collective South Node is in Scorpio (& I’m sure you’d be aware of what a bad rap poor Scorpios tend to get :-D), but this is representing the necessary, but often uncomfortable, purification, deep letting go of what is not working, and in many cases literal death as many souls currently seem to be leaving the planet.

We have all been in an ending phase for many years, indeed at least since 2008 when Pluto, the god of the underworld (and Scorpio’s modern ruler) moved into the empire-building sign of Capricorn, representing the death of old structures that have outlived their usefulness. When you think back to how much has changed for you personally and for all of us collectively since then, you may get a stronger sense of the intense power of Pluto and how things will never be the same again once he completes his work. As he makes his final journey through these final degrees before moving fully into Aquarius in 2024, we certainly cannot deny how this intense energy of the darkness is showing up for us all in one way or another.


1.     Acknowledge the truth of being in a dark phase. Allow whatever feelings this brings up for you to be there, whether it’s fear, stress, anger, depression, acceptance, surrender or something else. Can you imagine embracing your emotions as you would a small child who has come to you for help? If you’ve ever see the reaction to an upset toddler whose mother responded with anything less than love and care, you’ll know it can make the process so much easier to go with it instead of pushing it away.

2.    Increase your self-care, which may feel really hard to summon the energy or will to do while down in the dumps. But simple self-care is whatever you can manage in the moment and often it’s actually about taking the mental pressure off yourself, expecting that you shouldn’t be exactly where you are right now. Can you reach out to a friend to watch your children, cook yourself a healthy soup, have a power nap (or just ‘lay down and close your eyes for ten minutes’ as my Mum used to say. :-))

3.    Be open to the lessons. Get curious about what this time is trying to teach you and what the gifts are that you could only receive through this experience that wouldn’t be available in the light? I have often used these times to reflect on aspects of my lifestyle that I realised weren’t working for me and make improvements once I was physically able to act on them. Consider doing some journaling on this question to find the gold that is here for you. Depending on your situation and physical capacity, if you’re open to dive deeper and really go into your shadows, there can be profound growth and upgrades available for you here.

4.    Check the astrology. Relax and listen to some quality astrology podcasts for some insights to navigate the current energy. Just as the planets cycle through the zodiac, we are reminded that this too shall pass, as the only constant is change. Dark nights of the soul are also great time to have a astrology reading to give some perspective and understanding on all you are personally going through.

5.    Surrender. This one may be easier said than done, but can you take a deep, courageous breath to slow the struggle and even invite a sense of acceptance to embrace what you are going through? My my dear late Grandfather used to tell me when doing my chores, to ‘do it with a will, not a won’t’ :-D (which always really annoyed me, but perhaps it’s that was his Saturnian voice of wisdom, if inconvenient.) And letting yourself have a good old cry is highly recommended too!

6.   Hold onto hope. Is there a song, movie or activity that always manages to cheer you up? I love to massage Console essential oil blend over my heart or breathe in Hope oil, which helps to pep me up instantly. Remember how many people before you have faced hard times and have come through the other side into the light. Feminine wisdom teaches us that everything begins in the darkness, so this is both an ending and a beginning of infinite potential, as the light will slowly and surely return to your life in divine timing too.

Do you have other suggestions to share that have been helpful for you when you’ve experienced challenging times in your life? I would love to hear your thoughts!


